It’s hard to believe I’m writing about my first trimester, as I am due any day now. The first and second trimester really flew by.
I have to say that my first trimester, while it had tougher days, was not nearly as rough as I know some women experience. That said, I want to share my experience, what I learned and what helped on the hard days. I think as we move further from the experience, we tend to forget the details. But in the thick of it, I found reading other women’s experiences and tips helped a lot!

- This is YOUR experience. There are all the emotions that come with wanting to get pregnant, then the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with actual pregnancy, on top of family/friends inquiries, social media etc. It’s easy to feel the need to share it all, every detail, share it soon, and loudly. But what I learned is there is a time to share with family, then with friends, however you feel comfortable. What you don’t get back are the days of having something special with your significant other. We shared it with our family at 9 weeks, what we felt comfortable with. Close friends came a few weeks after. We haven’t shared much on social media because that’s what feels right for us. It’s important to remember this is your pregnancy, worry about yourself, not the pressure to please others and share everything if that’s not your style. Do what’s comfortable for you, and just focus on yourself. You won’t have that luxury for too much longer!
- REST, and figure out a schedule to get as much rest as you can. I could not believe how tired I was around week 6. I felt like I was hit by a truck most days around 3pm. It was hard in the beginning to give in and nap. I wanted to continue after work Pilates 4 times a week, cook dinner every night; really just keep doing it all. I soon realized this A) wasn’t going to work and B) wasn’t what was best for me and more importantly, baby. I learned a great lesson, ask for help! My husband is amazing and helped so much. He was cleaning more, did a lot of cooking, and took over more dog walks. It’s not easy giving up routine or control sometimes, but it’s for the best. I also realized hitting a wall at 3 meant I needed naps. I tweaked my schedule a little to get up earlier and get as much work done so I could crash around 3. Rest was key, and with schedule tweaks and asking for help, I was able to get lots of it.
- Move that body. Yes, I jumped from rest as much as you can to move your body. But in moderation. I wasn’t able to get back to 4 workouts a week until the second trimester, but I know exercise, even a little bit, is not only for the body, but also for the mind. The first trimester, for me, was all about simple ‘workouts’ (almost) daily. This could be something as simple as long walks or a light yoga practice. Two things that helped the most were making plans with my mom or friends for walks and hikes, which held me accountable, and finding times that worked best so I actually had energy to workout. Activity helped my mental health so much and even seemed to help with nausea.
- Eat well, but survive. I’m a health and wellness junkie, but I’ve never been more into it now that I’m pregnant. That being said, my biggest aversions in the first trimester were roasted veggies, particularly broccoli and sweet potato. Also salmon. Crazy because we have these regularly. I actually still can’t stomach roasted broccoli or sweet potatoes. Almost every morning I craved half a bagel or toast with avocado and an egg. Carbs were my best friend, like a lot of women in the beginning. And that’s ok. Yes, we want to get in all the nutrients for the growing babe, but if you can’t stomach something, are getting sick, etc. you have to eat what you can. My suggestion is find more nutrient dense options. I stocked up on sprouted sourdough and sprouted bagels. I also snacked on seed and nut crackers with dips or veg on top. Smoothies, thank goodness, were still a craving, so I used this as an opportunity to get in LOTS of good stuff, like greens, collagen, flax seed, chia seed, and so much more. Balance, its all about balance.
- Enjoy the first stage. So much will change in each trimester. The second is definitely a sweet spot. But the first is also quite special. It’s all so new and exciting. You’re just sharing the news. Dreaming about what babe will be. The stress of getting things done is far away. You’re body is still pretty mobile! Enjoy all of this.

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