Christmas, it’s right around the corner. If you can even believe that. 2020, the year that threw everything at us, is wrapping up. And I love that we get to end such a wacky, crazy year with the Holidays, because there really is no greater time. Especially in 2020.
This year will be especially special for having a one-year-old. Last year we were still just trying to reach the goal of putting clothes on to make sure our teeth were brushed. Life with a newborn. This year, while he still isn’t fully aware of Santa and all that magic, he is more into his toys, especially books. Which is very helpful for a newish parent. So on his (my) list for baby, lots of books.
So let’s talk about kid books. Like many other parents to be, I was given lots of books at my shower and shortly after. I had no idea by the time he was one he would have such a strong opinion on books. I thought, if I read it, he will love it. Make the sounds, read with enthusiasm, we are all good. But kids are tiny people and they have opinions. And his opinion is: Trucks, cars, and animals. These are the books he gravitates to. We currently read Goodnight Tractor at least 15 times a day.

This leads me to my next point about gifts and books. What I thought he would like, he doesn’t so much. I bought some really cute books with beautiful pictures, books with lots of colors, books with cute storylines. But he mostly wants to know what The Little Blue Truck is doing. Every book he LOVES, the ones we read multiple times a day, were gifted to us. This tells me two things, I wasn’t the best book picker outer. And two, veteran moms gift certain books because they too have children who want to hear that same story over and over. They know what’s up!

So here’s my (short) list of books that now at 15 months I highly recommend to moms. I’ll be adding to the list with other recommendations from moms too. So if you have one to add, please leave a comment on here or Instagram.
The Little Blue Truck. This was his first favorite, and since we have added the Halloween and Christmas versions. The Halloween one was a big hit. The Goodnight edition is under the tree.
Goodnight Tractor is another big hit. My son brings this to me first thing in the morning. We read it a few times, then flip through pages pointing out trucks, tractors, and animals. A close second in how many times we read and flip through is this Truck book. He flips and reads through it so much, the cover is no longer with us.
Non-car or truck related, but still a favorite, You’re My Little Cuddle Bug. This is one of the books I read at night. He likes the cutout shapes and (I think) the rhyming. The book holds his attention and is super sweet. I got the Christmas edition for under the tree. Biscuit’s Pet and Play Christmas was a gift from last year that he’s recently taken to.
My mom friend suggests this book for us. She and her daughter love it, so I added it to the books under the tree.
Let me know what I should add to the list!
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